Acknowledgements and Credits |
AcknowledgementsThe CADIXE XML Annotation Editor has been initially developed in the frame of the CADERIGE project (http://caderige.imag.fr/) founded by the French government through the ACI Bioinformatique. The goal of this project was to extract the Gene Interaction Network described in the Medline abstract by combining Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) approaches. The software has been written by :
Many tanks to the people of MIG group from INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) for their active support and also to the people from SIB (Institut Suisse de Bioinformatique) who collaborate to this development. ContactFor any further information (and to download the software), please contact Gilles Bisson (gilles.bisson@imag.fr). If you want to report a bug, please include as far as possible your data (annotated documents, DTD, style sheet,
) and a small textual description of the behaviour of the software, so that we can reproduce (and perhaps fix |
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